Wednesday 2 November 2011

600K facebook accounts hacked daily + study on social network's data scraping

Facebook has released an official communication regarding the way it secures the data of its users.
from these data, it can be inferred that about 600.000 accounts are hacked daily ! (isn't this... HUGE?),2817,2395402,00.asp#fbid=auDt9W2DPrZ

Also it's interesting their concept of "trusted friends" that can help the user to recover its authentication data if he loses access to its account.
However, interesting to see that the concept of "friend" is personal and 10% of users keep accepting requests from anyone (including the bots created by the authors of this paper in order to scrape personal use data).

Also, the fact of having a friend in common would raise the % of people accepting a new connection to 50%... definitely to be kept in mind if facebook wants us to rely on friends to ensure the accounts security ;)


1 comment:

  1. thirst for data..That is scary! Facebook should put more efforts to detect these fraudulent accounts, and users must only share the minimum sum of data on their accounts.I wonder if we will be able to sue Facebook for failing to adequately protect private data? Or I missed reading the whole FB use terms and conditions? Just a thought.
