Monday 21 January 2013

Future Challenges to Identity

How will changes in the next ten years affect notions of identity?

This is the big question addressed by a new report today by the UK Department for Innovation, Business & Skills (BIS), which sets out set out to explore how changes in technology will affect our notions of identity.

The report identifies key challenges for effective policy-making and implementation in a rapidly changing, globalised, technology-rich, and densely networked society. Amongst other areas, it focuses on implications for crime prevention and criminal justice in a chapter called, ‘The Future Challenges of Identity Crime in the UK’ by Professor David Wall.

For more information, see: and today’s introductory comment by the BBC:

If anyone has research interests touching on identity and law (for example, from a different cultural perspective than the UK), please feel free to email me: It will be great to share ideas!

Best wishes,


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