Tuesday 18 October 2011

"Markey to Amazon: Don’t Hold a Kindle Fire Sale on Privacy "

US congressman Ed Markey has written an interesting letter to Amazon, about its Silk browser (and, more importantly, its back end servers), focussing on the privacy implications of its design - his letter is available here.

Of course, using server-side technology to speed up browsing is nothing new - Opera, for example, does it, as does RIM in its BlackBerry system, and there are likely more BlackBerry users than there are / will be of the Kindle Fire, but, given Amazon's clout, it could be an interesting debate, especially given the pressure on network operators / ISPs around use of customer browsing data.

Update: I had forgotten something on which I was asked to advise a few years back - Vodafone's UK operating company implemented a network-based rendering engine / proxy for Novarra for re-rendering webpages - a self-titled rant about the issue here. Many similar, and probably wider, issues.

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