Sunday 9 October 2011

Youtube lectures of surviellance and public places.

I usually play a video while eating my lunch. That increases my appetite to some level. While I was browsing youtube looking for a good catch, I found few lectures for Lewis R. Katz and other professors from Case Western Reserve University, titled as Surveillance and privacy in an age of national insecurity, given in 4 panels.
As a comparative study, that added much to my knowledge in such field and it worked very well for my appetite today.
Thought of sharing this with my distant classmates & everyone.

from such link, it would be easy to follow the other 3 panels

Thank you all

1 comment:

  1. Thanks very much for this. It is exactly the sort of useful information which I hope students will share. There is a facility on Blackboard to link to YouTube videos and if there is interest I'd be happy to do this.
